Intermediate 3x3 Leagues
Our coaches focus on fundamental basketball skills, sportsmanship and team building in a fun, supportive and encouraging environment. League Registration includes:
- 12 weeks of organized 3x3 basketball league play and team building
- ABA game jersey
- Digital ABA team photo
- Coaches, Referees and Special Guests
- Schedules, stats & standings updated weekly
- ABA quarterly newsletter offering skill development and conditioning tips, program updates and other great ABA player opportunities & events
- Awards for League Champions, Most Outstanding Player, Most Improved Player, Sportsmanship, stats leaders and other individual awards
Open to all players, ages 8-13, regardless of experience, size, or ability.
Tuesdays (12-week programs offered in Fall, Winter & Spring)
5:00pm - 6:15pm Intermediate B Division (ages 8-10)
6:15pm - 7:30pm Intermediate A Division (ages 11-13)
All sessions are played at Holy Rosary Church, Parish Hall Gym, 354 St. Clair Avenue West (just east of Bathurst at St. Clair West TTC Station)
$420 (+HST) for 12-week programs / $290 (+HST) for 8-week Thursday Summer program
Open to all players, ages 8-13, regardless of experience, size, or ability.
Mondays (12-week program offered in Fall, 8-week program offered in Winter and 10-week program offered in Spring)
6:00pm - 7:15pm Intermediate B Division (ages 8-10) in Fall and Spring only / no Winter program in the B division
7:15pm - 8:30pm Intermediate A Division (ages 11-13)
All sessions are played at Harbord Collegiate, 286 Harbord Street (just southwest of Bathurst TTC Station)
$420 (+HST) for 12-week program / $350 (+HST) for 10-week program / $290 (+HST) for 8-week program
Open to all female players, ages 9-14, regardless of experience, size, or ability.
Wednesdays (12-week program offered in Spring)
6:00pm - 7:15pm Girls Division (ages 9-14)
All sessions are played at University of Toronto Schools, 371 Bloor St West, Toronto, ON M5S 2R7 (just east of Spadina TTC Station)
$420 (+HST) for 12-week program
Holy Rosary Church
Tuesday 3X3 Leagues, Thursday Skills & Scrimmage Sessions and Thursday Adult Recreational Run
Royal St. George's College
Saturday House Leagues, Saturday Skills & Scrimmage Sessions, March Break Camps, March Break High School League, Summer Camps and Summer High School Leagues
Harbord Collegiate Institute
Monday 3X3 Leagues, Summer Camps, and alternate location for Saturday House Leagues
Western Technical-Commercial School
Monday GIRLS Skills & Scrimmage Sessions and Monday Shooting Skills Sessions
University of Toronto Schools
SPRING Wednesday 3X3 Leagues and Adult Recreational Run
The Bishop Strachan School
Summer Mini 3-Day Camp: July 2-4