Adult Recreational Run


Our program offers a fun, supportive and encouraging environment. Pickup Run Registration includes:

  • 12 Thursdays of organized pick-up basketball play
  • ABA reversible pick-up jersey
  • Digital ABA group photo
  • Court Supervisors
  • ABA quarterly newsletter offering skill development and conditioning tips, program updates and other great ABA player opportunities & events


Open to all adults (and eager high school players), regardless of experience, size or ability


Thursdays (12-week programs offered in Fall, Winter & Spring)

Fall and Winter programs run 8:45pm-10:15pm and Spring program runs 7:15pm-8:45pm - Adult Division (ages 18+)


Fall and Winter games are played at Holy Rosary Church, Parish Hall Gym, 354 St. Clair Avenue West (just east of Bathurst at St. Clair West TTC Station) and Spring games are played at University of Toronto Schools, 371 Bloor St West, Toronto, ON M5S 2R7 (just east of Spadina TTC Station)


$295 (+HST) for 12-week programs
